Page 2 - 1961 , Volume v.12 n.9 , Issue May-1961
P. 2

FREQUENCY                                           was previously equal to the gate
                            COUNTING                                           time, the interval between gate
                          10 SEC                                               times in the new counters can be
                          G A T E  x  G A T E       A  P E R   - 1 0  P E R  C O O P E R
                                                                               considerably shorter. Thus, for the
                                                                               longer count times of 1 and 10 sec
                                                                               onds, the new counters can operate
                                                                               at nearly double the previous maxi
                                                                               mum sampling rates if the minimum
                                                                               display time is used. The between-
                                                                               count interval can be adjusted by a
                                                                               panel control up to 5 seconds, and an
                                                                               infinite display position is also pro
                                                                                 PERIOD MEASUREMENTS
                                                                                 Each of the new counters is cap
                                                      10 KC      -      1 MC   able of making multiple-period
                                          FREQUENCY                            average measurements up to 10s
            Fig. 2. 1.2-mega- relating period- and frequency-measuring accuracy of new 1.2-mega-  periods. For low and mid-range fre
            cycle counter. Frequencies for which counter will give better accuracy on period
            measurements than on direct-frequency measurements is shown by solid portion of   quencies the periods-average tech
            curves. Curves assume time base error of 1 X 10~6 and trigger error of 03%/number  nique can greatly increase measure
            of periods averaged. Using external time base, accuracies of 1 X. 10~s can be achieved   ment resolution and accuracy over
                                 with 1 0s period measurements.
                                                                               that possible with direct-frequency
            in a storage flip-flop to control the   Since the time available for read   counting. Consider, for example,
            display. This feature together with  out with storage includes the gate   measuring a 400-cps sine wave, first
            the code conversion from binary-  time, sample rate is no longer lim   by direct frequency -counting and
            coded decimal to decimal output at   ited by the need to provide enough   then by period and multiple-period
            the high voltage required for indi   time between counts for a readable   average measurement with the new
            cator tubes is achieved by the use of  display. Thus more readings per sec   1.2-megacycle counter. Since in the
            a special photoconductor matrix de   ond can be obtained.          period  measurement  modes he
            veloped at -hp-. In decoding alone   Another improvement has to do   counter is gating a 1-mc count fre
            this single solid-state matrix replaces  with the interval between counting  quency, each period of the 400-cps
            many semiconductor elements per   times— usually called "display time".   input signal results in 2500 counts
            decade.                           Where the minimum display time   being registered. In the 1000-period

                            4    6   8   1  0   1  2  1  4   1  6  1  8
                                                            D A Y S
                      Fig. operating Long-term accuracy curve measured of achieved by operating time-base crystal near room
                      time base in 1.2-megacycle counter. Excellent long- temperature. Short-term variations in curve are
                      term stability for a counter of this class has been largely due to ambient temperature variations.

                                                           1 4  1 6                                  28
                             Fig. 300-kilocycle Long-term accuracy curve measured of time-base in 300-kilocycle counter.

                                           © Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
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